Welcome to the Home of the HavenHearth Wiccan Tradition



Welcome and Merry Meet!


This is the official website of the HavenHearth Tradition of Wicca. The HavenHearth Tradition uses an eclectic mix of magickal practices and techniques from several different Mystery traditions and belief systems to help our members reach their full magickal potential.


As a Tradition, we believe that the purpose of following any spiritual path should be to establish a vibrant personal relationship with the Divine. You have to make your own choices in life, and that is your responsibility. Thus, we believe that each individual is responsible for their own actions, the choices they make, and the consequences that are brought into being because of them. There's no long list of do's and don't's that you have to follow to join. You don't have to change anything about yourself to make the Tradition happy. However, we will help you realize any changes you decide you need to make within yourself to make you happy, healthy, and empowered. We use daily energy work, magick, meditation, and ritual to help us improve both ourselves and our environment. This includes overcoming our fears and limitations, actively seeking to live in balance and harmony within ourselves and our environment, to bring healing to ourselves and others, and to walk our path with honesty, joy, respect, and determination.




“And You Harm None, Do As You Will ”







A Brief History of the HavenHearth Tradition


By: Tony, High Priest of the HavenHearth Tradition



The HavenHearth Tradition started as a family tradition in Southeast Ohio. I was introduced to this family tradition in my teens. It was an eclectic mix of practices from several different traditions and belief systems, but it worked! Thus, I was given a very thorough foundation in energy work, meditation, and practical magickal techniques at a young age. This has been of great value to me as I have continued to pursue my magickal studies over the years.

I graduated high school and went into the Army. Over time, I lost contact with the family that had so generously welcomed me as I was no longer dating one of its members. Over two decades later, I moved back to the area where I had been raised. Unfortunately, I could not find any trace of the family anywhere. Where their house had been located is now a parking lot.

Over the years as I walked my own personal spiritual path following the teachings of this Tradition, I have come to realize several things:



  • There are not near as many Pagans and/or Wiccans as there are people who follow the more modern faiths.


  • Information on Wicca and Witchcraft is becoming easier to find, but is still not as readily available as it is for the more prevalent religions.


  • Much of the information given about the Pagan and/or Wiccan path is general in nature, hard to understand at times, and often lacks the practical knowledge or information needed to put it into practical, everyday use effectively. Sometimes, usually due to its source, you can even find information that is actually false – made available to intentionally mislead.


  • The lack of organization, and in some cases active resistance to it, within the Pagan and/or Wiccan community has done us a great deal of harm.


  • If more information were readily available, and presented in a format that was easy to understand and put into practice, it would be of great benefit to those who are honestly seeking it.

Years ago, a friend of mine asked if I would teach him. From that day onward, I have realized the need for an organized and graduated approach to teaching others about the Wiccan spiritual path. As I have continued my journey, I have spent a lot of time thinking about how such information should be presented so that those receiving it would find it easy to understand, and be able to put it into practice in their own lives as well. Along my journey, I have continued to teach others the beliefs and practices of the HavenHearth Tradition. Several years ago, the idea of putting these lessons together was born. I honestly believe that the hand of the Goddess has guided the Tradition to this point – opening our Tradition to anyone who sincerely wants to learn as a teaching Tradition, so that the personal joy, balance, and empowerment that this Tradition has brought others can be found by them as well.

The HavenHearth Tradition used an eclectic mix of practices and techniques to teach sincere seekers how to reach their full magickal potential. We do so by teaching our students how to form a personal relationship with the Divine, how to actively work to increase their energetic and psychic awareness and abilities, by sharing with them magickal practices and techniques that have been shown by experience to be consistently effective, and by providing a community that fosters growth and learning through hands-on, practical learning and community support.

It is our goal as a Tradition to provide you the information you need to become the person that embodies your full magickal potential, able to affect positive change within yourself and your environment with balance, grace, and joy. May the Lord and Lady guide you on your path, and fill your life with grace and compassion. So Mote It Be..

If you would like more information regarding our tradition and educational resources, please feel free to Contact us.




“As Above, So Below; As the Universe So the Soul ”












Our Tradition uses three degrees to measure the knowledge level of our members. As a Tradition, based on these three degrees, we have established this website to offer a series of lessons to help you learn about our beliefs and practices, as well as guide you on an amazing journey of self discovery – one that will help you to find your own truth on your own terms.

Once you have completed the first set of lessons, you can choose for yourself whether you wish to receive the First Degree Initiation into the HavenHearth Tradition or not. There is also a series of lessons to obtain one's Second Degree Initiation, and one's Third Degree Initiation.

By starting this course of study, you will be embarking on an amazing journey of self-discovery that you will find to be life-changing and empowering. You will learn things about yourself that you would have never guessed without being prompted. In time, you will face your worst fears and overcome them. You will learn how to access your own natural psychic abilities and to use magick to take conscious control of your own fate.

If you would like more information regarding our tradition and educational resources, please feel free to Contact us.




“As Above, So Below; As the Universe So the Soul ”












As in most Wiccan Traditions, HavenHearth depends on quality compontents for the many rituals and spells we employ in our practice. For your convenience, we have included a few links to other websites that meet our standards.



  • Azure Green  AzureGreen - the Official Website providing supplies for Wicca, Pagan, New Age, Spiritual, Occult & Magical Practices for 33 years, becoming one of the largest international Pagan, Wiccan, New Age and Occult distributors.


  • The Magical Druid  The Magical Druid - Your home for quality spiritual supplies.


  • Right Thyme Herbs & Oils  Right Thyme Herbs & Oils - Quality organic herbs, essential oils, teas, cooking spices, homeopathic remedies, salves, supplements and more.




“In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust”







About Us



Bright Blessings!


My name is Tony and I am the High Priest of the HavenHearth Tradition. I was born in February of 1971, so I am a Pisces. I am also very intuitive and empathic. I am a veteran of the US Army, a legally ordained priest, and have a ministerial counseling license. I have also achieved my first level certification as a Pranic healer.


I have been following a Pagan path for over thirty years. I am ecclectic. I strongly believe that if it works, it should be used. There is no one right way to do anything, especially when it comes to one's personal spiritual and/or magickal practices. You just have to find what works best for you. I have done that through years of dedicated study, learning everything I could.


I found this path as a teenager. I wasn't really sincere at first, but as the Lord and Lady showed me more, and helped me through some really tough lessons (including some time in prison), my path became much clearer and my commitment much stronger than I ever thought it would be. It has been an amazing journey of self-discovery and empowerment!


I was raised in rural West Virginia, so I have a strong connection to nature. Thus, it makes sense that I have found that the simple natural and elemental magicks work better for me in my own personal practice. But I have taken the time to familiarize myself with a wide variety of magickal practices, and made sure that I could put them into practice if I felt them appropriate to use for a given magickal working.


I strongly believe that to be a good Witch, I need be an educated witch – able to work effectively with a wide range of magickal practices and tools


I am now at the point where I feel compelled by my patron deities to help others who are looking for their own path, to find their way and their balance. If you are a sincere seeker and want to learn, I will do everything I can to help you learn and grow as you find your own path. But know this: you create your own reality! I know from experience that if you reach out to the Divine with a sincere heart, they will answer. I will help you, give you advice, and share my knowledge and experience. But you must decide the path you wish to follow, and the reality you wish to create, for yourself.


I wish you well, and may the Gods guide and protect you on your journey!


If you would like more information regarding our tradition and educational resources, please feel free to Contact us.